St. St. Konstantin and Elena

Orthodox Christians celebrate the day of the Emperor Constantine and his mother Helena on the 21st May, because in 313 AD Emperor Constantine declared the freedom of the Christian faith.

Folk celebrations of the holiday in Bulgaria are associated with visits to churches and monasteries. People bring to the icons of St. St. Konstantin and Elena and donate for health towels, shirts or animals .

Bulgarians also go to the healing springs, wash their faces so that they could enjoy good health and beauty in the future.

In Strandja mountain, on this day people perform fire dancing. They build up big fires, and men and women dance on the burning embers, carrying the icons of St. St. Konstantin and Elena. The fire symbolizes the hot summer sun while the fire-dancers predict what the weather will be , the crop, the health and the difficult times the people in the village will go through.

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