1st of May – Labour Day

On 1st of May the world celebrates the Labor Day and the International Work-ers' Solidarity.

This festival dates back to 1886, when workers in Chicago launched protests demanding an 8-hour day and better working conditions. Soon many workers' organizations around the world joined it.

The1st May was declared an official holiday, a day which celebrates the work-ing people and their rights. In Bulgaria under socialism, this day was celebrat-ed with mass marches and celebrations in all cities. After 1989.the1st of May continues to be a public holiday.

Besides being a Labor Day in Bulgaria every year on 1st. May is celebrated the anniversary of the April Uprising. It is marked by solemn fireworks parade.

It represents moments of the rebellion and the lighting of town of Klisura.

The holiday is accompanied by a rich artistic program and folk dances.

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